As May is drawing to a close, and we keep our fingers crossed for some slightly drier weather, I am opening up my books for my next beginners session of Canicross/Hikes. These are suitable for beginners and are a great taster session to see if you enjoy it. During our session we will cover basics, equipment, commands and I will go through all the most frequently asked questions.
I have equipment to try on for the session, meaning you don't have to randomly order sizes to get the right fit for you dog.
My next session will be taking place soon, so if you would like to grab a spot please do get in touch with me: ref:Canicross
#canicross #canihikeepsom #canicrossepsom #surreycanicross #canicrossinsurrey #surreycanicrossinstructor #epsomk9runners #hoppeshoundscanicross
*Fitness levels, these sessions will suit most fitness levels!
**Your dog must be at least 1 years old to take part in these sessions. Older if the dog is a large breed.
***All forms must be filled out prior to the session.
****Cancellations will be charged for.