Although I am based in Epsom, I hold sessions in a lot of different areas. You will quite often find me up in the hills, through the sandy banks of Esher and running along the canals past Ripley and into Guildford. So it is quite likely that you will be able to attend one or more of my sessions.
My main aim is to provide fun, educational and most importantly inclusive classes, with that in mind this blog is to cover some of my most commonly asked questions.
My dog is reactive/lunges can I attend your sessions?
The very abbreviated answer is YES! First of all let me know before hand that your dog likes their space. It is not a problem as my ethos of all classes is to give lots of space to each other. I have already have had and heard of successful stories of dogs who are fearful attending sessions/runs and really benefiting from these classes. If you haven't already, this it is worth muzzle training your dog, this way they are comfortable if they ever need it. As an added bonus, other people on the trails (as well as other session attendees) will see the muzzle and give you and your dog the extra space you need to keep your dog below its threshold.
If you have any questions or behavioural concerns please dog get in touch with me at
My dog is very small can I attend?
Yes absolutely! All dogs, large or small are welcome in my sessions. Even if it turns out that your dog doesn't like pulling out in front, I will make adaptions and give you alternative harness guidance, you are still welcome to attend.
Will my dog pull me over?
Nope, when using the correct equipment, you have a very high level of control over the pull the dogs give you. It takes a bit of practice and a little time to build your confidence, but no you won't get pulled over.
I am worried that I am not fit enough to join in, does it matter how fit I am?
Classes start at the beginning and work upwards. You don't have to be able to hit a sub 25 5k to be able to attend. Just so long as you and your dog are physically healthy enough to take part in exercise then the beginners classes will be suitable for you.